Community and Household Emergency Planning (CHEP)

Community and Household Emergency Planning (CHEP)

SEPA and Flood Advice (December 2024):

Covers 4 things:

Argyll and Bute Council:  Community Resilience

Presentation (Nov 24) from A&B Council regarding their work on community resilience.

Communtiy Resilience – HL

The Community Council works with the Civil Contingency Team where possible to ensure coherence as we develop local approaches to community resilience / community emergency and household planning.


Ready Scotland:  LOSS OF UTILITIES


While utility companies in Scotland have well-tested plans in place, power cuts and the loss of other utilities can happen at any time and with little warning.

Here is Ready Scotland’s advice on how to prepare for a loss of supply – and what you can do if it happens.

Prepare in Advance

  • Having a well-stocked emergency kit at home will help until things get back to normal;
  • Keep mobile phones, laptops or tablets fully charged – so you will have use of battery power for a short time if there is a power cut;
  • A non-mains powered landline telephone will help you stay in touch during any disruption to your power supply;
  • Get friends and family thinking ahead and learning the steps that can be taken to be prepared;
  • If you have relatives or neighbours who might need help during a power cut, check up on them and provide them assistance if you can;
  • Read the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s advice on staying safe during a power cut.

Loss of Power

Loss of Water

  • If you experience an unexpected loss of supply or an emergency, check if Scottish Water is already aware of the issue, and report any new problems, on their dedicated webpage.
  • Ensure you are always in the know with Scottish Water and receive notifications when there’s an interruption to your water supply, keeping you informed about any interruptions in your area. Sign up for free text alerts.

Loss of Gas Supply

  • Call 0800 111 999 in a gas emergency.
  • For other issues, contact SGN.

Special Requirements

  • Utility companies work closely with councils to make sure that vulnerable people get the support they need during any disruptions to normal service. Let your supplier know if you have a disability or you depend on a continuous supply of power for medical or mobility equipment e.g. stairlifts.

For Information – Flood Resilience Advice from Argyll and Bute Council:

Or as a Download:  

Flood Resilience Advice


SEPA Floodline and Material on Being Prepared for flooding

Are you prepared?

Sean Batty gives advice on how to be prepared for flooding.
Sign up to Floodline

What are flood messages?

By signing up to Floodline you’ll receive a flood message when flooding is forecast for your area. You can choose to receive them by phone call or text.

There are three kinds of message:

Regional Flood Alerts make people aware of the risk of flooding and to be prepared. We normally issue them 12 to 24 hours in advance of the possibility of flooding.

Local Flood Warnings are more locally specific and are issued for areas where we have gauges on rivers to measure the exact river height and local flood forecasting models. They are issued at shorter notice when we are more certain that a specific area will be affected.

Severe Flood Warnings are issued when severe flooding is expected and there is a danger to life.

Argyll & Bute Council – Flood Advice web page:

Given the rise of flooding in the area please see the Argyll & Bute web page regarding flooding.  If you scroll down you will also find useful information about the roles and responsibilities of different organisations, land-owners and householders.  This is worth a read as many people are not aware of their responsibilities regarding above / below ground drainage and the need to keep clear, not to divert and related issues.



Thank you to all the volunteers and residents who attended the event on the 13th January.  It was an interesting event with many suggestions, points to note in relation to hazards, volunteers willing to assist and a point about post recovery support as well. 

We are pleased to note the interest and engagement of our MP (Brendan O’Hara)  who lives locally and so faces some of the same challenges as the rest of the residents on the Peninsula!!

Next steps:

  1. Report of the meeting is now available here:  CHEP 130124 Report
  2. In February there will be a follow-up meeting with possible volunteers to examine the way forward with the ‘Know Your Neighbour’ Network.
  3. Ongoing work with local businesses on Resilience Planning (Business Continuity) so that they can, where possible, continue trading effectively whilst supporting the community should we be subject to a serious weather event.
  4. Ensuring we know where the major risks are and what we, as a community do about this in conjunction with the relevant authorities e.g. cleaning of gulleys, unblocking drains, removing invasive species in  ditches etc.

For major widespread weather events we are focusing on building the ability and confidence of ‘Households to Cope’ along with a ‘Know Your Neighbours’ Network and a Skills / Assets register for volunteers.  

Outline approach for Cove and Kilcreggan Community Council










For Interim basic information which should be modified to suit your household needs: 

Please see material on Ready Scot:

Suggested First Aid Kit:

First Aid Kit Suggestion List

Suggested Emergency Kit:  

Emergency Kit suggestions

Preparing for Rain and Flooding

Given the recent events and on-going storm forecasts the following advice sheet is now available:

We acknowledge a grant for up to £1,150 from the National Centre for Resilience at the University of Glasgow ( ) to support this work.  Outline approach for Cove and Kilcreggan Community Council