The Community Planning Partnership is required to have a 10 year plan called an Outcomes Improvement Plan. A new plan is due from 2024 and we are starting to consult and engage on what the priorities of the Community Planning Partnership plan may be.
A short survey has been launched that you can find by clicking here. In this we are asking people to select their top 3 priorities from a list of themes. The themes are from a review of partnership data on needs in Argyll & Bute and analysis of community responses to consultations over the past 2-3 years. For people interested in more engagement and discussion there will be opportunities for this through 2023 as we develop the priorities.
We would be grateful if you could highlight the survey to people in your area. Posters of the survey with the QR code for people to easily scan and access from their mobile phones are available and there are also paper copies for those who are unable to go online. Please contact or 01436 658812 for these.
Survey is open until 14 February –