A new consultation on the Gourock – Kilcreggan ferry service is now open online until Wednesday 24th May.
This appears not to be an Argyll & Bute Survey but one from Transport Scotland.
Note: you must be over 16 years of age or above to complete the survey. If you require assistance with completing the survey please get in touch via info.edinburgh@stantec.com or 0131335 4200
This survey is designed to support the development of its Islands Connectivity Plan (Transport Scotland). The Community Needs Assessments are to act as a guide for informing the future level of service provision on each route, building on current day services and usage.
For those interested in the Islands Connectivity Plan further details can be found at: https://www.transport.gov.scot/public-transport/ferries/islands-connectivity-plan/#:~:text=The%20Islands%20Connectivity%20Plan%20will,and%20onward%20and%20connecting%20travel.